Sean Underhill, a recurring character on Chicago Hope. He is a former comedian, appearing on stage as part of a comic duo named 'Red Johnny and the Round Guy' and has several on-screen credits, such as Steve Ballmer in Pirates of Silicon Valley (the docudrama about the history of Apple Computer and Microsoft) and as Dr. Drakken on Kim Possible, Jake the Dog on Adventure Time, Wakka and Kimahri in Final Fantasy X, and Niblet on Pound Puppies. Career ĭiMaggio is known for his roles as Bender on Futurama, Marcus Fenix in the Gears of War franchise, Dr. He is of Italian parentage, and was raised in the Catholic faith. 4.2.2 Direct-to-video and television filmsīorn and raised in North Plainfield, New Jersey, DiMaggio graduated from North Plainfield High School.